
September 3, 2024
Pingamizi (caveat) ni notisi ya kisheria inayowekwa kwenye rejista ya ardhi ili kuzuia hatua yoyote kuchukuliwa juu ya kipande cha ardhi bila kumjulisha mtu aliyeweka pingamizi hilo. Hii ni njia muhimu ya kulinda maslahi ya kisheria ya mtu katika ardhi na kuhakikisha kuwa hakuna hatua yoyote inachukuliwa bila ridhaa yake. Vifungu Muhimu Vinavyohusu Pingamizi Katika...
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Environmental Laws and How They Can Affect Your Business in Tanzania
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Our practice aims at providing efficient, accurate and cost effective legal services with attention to detail and highest professional standards. We offer real time legal solutions for fast changing and dynamic business environment.

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